If you are looking to join a team, you can check out the team vacancies listing below or add your profile so a team looking for someone can contact you.
Or, if you have already signed up to Coastrek and have a spot you need to fill, you can check out the profiles to find someone and you can also check out your Coastrek community page on Facebook you can post in there as often past trekkers are looking to join a new team.
Alternatively, as trekkers ourselves, we find last minute team mates in unexpected places like; previous work besties, other mums from the canteen shift, parkrun friends etc.
Happy trekking!
Motley Crew
The Unstoppable Explorers
Here is the link to join team.
Tartan Trekkers
Adventure Queens
Sisterhood of the activewear pants
Glitter Groovers
Progility Pathfinders
Empowering Sisters
Patto Power
Individuals looking to join or create a team
Name Tara
Event 30km
Email taratubman852@gmail.com
Mobile 0411842127
Gender Female
Comments Hi I am looking to join a team doing the 30kms. I am recently moved to Melbourne, and super keen to experience some of the less mainstream things of Melbourne. I am currently 51, reasonably fit and live near Richmond.