When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going!

26 Aug 2024

There's no denying that embarking on a challenging hike brings a whirlwind of emotions. One minute you're feeling invincible and the next, the uphill climb has you questioning your life choices. 

Don't worry though, it happens to the best of us! 

Collectively, our team here at Coastrek have put forward our top Event Day mindset hacks and strategies to ensure you're well equipped to push through whatever emotion you're met with whilst on the trail. We got you, boo!

Turn Struggles into Stories: When was the last time you let your mind run wild for a minute? When the trail gets tough, imagine you're the hero of an epic adventure. Each obstacle is just another chapter in your tale. Narrate your journey out loud to your teammates - adding a touch of humour makes it even better! Sounds a bit crazy, but just try it!

Play the Gratitude Game: Shift your focus from the pain in your legs to the beauty around you. Encourage your fellow trekkers to take turns in sharing things they're grateful for with each step. Whether it's the fresh air, the stunning views or simply the fact that you're outdoors, engaging in this exercise allows you to keep positivity front of mind and (hopefully!) disguise any physical pain you're battling!

The 10-Minute Rule: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. When you're feeling like you can't take one more step (and yes, we've all been there), simply commit to just 10 more mintues. Tell yourself, "I can do anything for 10 minutes". Often by the time those minutes are up, you'll find your second wind has kicekd in and you're ready for more!

Distraction with Fun Facts: Come prepared with random trivia or interesting facts to share with your team along the way. Here's one for you: Did you know that a group of flamingoes is called a 'flamboyance'? Before you know it, you'll be so engrossed in the fun facts that you'll forget about the uphill climb!

The Trail Tunes Challenge: Sing your favourite songs or create a silly hiking playlist with your team. Add a twist by changing the lyrics to match your hiking experience. It's amazing how a little music can make the kms fly by!

Coastrek is about soaking up every moment of the journey, not just reaching the destination. So, keep these mindset hacks in your back pocket and you'll find that with the right mindset, every hike can be a fun and memorable adventure.

If you're needing some more Coastrek inspiration, see inspiring trekker stories here!