How Coastrek Became an Annual Event for The Travel Corporation

05 Jun 2024

Since 2022, The Travel Corporation (TTC) have been trekking, volunteering, and fundraising with Coastrek, amassing over 300 volunteer hours and raising nearly $20,000 for charity (to date), with team members enjoying the mental and physical health benefits of exercising in nature. 

This impressive record all started with one person – Client Services Manager, Ash Loaney: 

“I did my first Coastrek in Sydney in March 2022 with a group of friends and I was hooked!  I knew it would work well with TTC’s culture and our approach to workplace wellness and community support so I took it back to the team as something we could do together as a workplace.  They were keen so we jumped on board and put a team in for the Coastrek Fleurieu Peninsula event taking place that September and we’ve been taking part ever since in the Sydney events.”  

Training and participating in an event like Coastrek aligns with TTC’s ‘IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Action) Wellness Community program that encourages philanthropic efforts and supports activities that contribute to the health and wellness of its people.  

Travel and adventure are also inherent in what TTC do, so bringing teams together from across the group to challenge themselves whilst visiting some of Australia’s most spectacular coastlines ticks many boxes.  

With the 2023 and 2024 events supporting the Heart Foundation, some of the TTC participants have a close connection to the cause and a further motivation to take part, including Wendy McColl who writes: 

“I love a challenge.  I missed out last year because I was working and experienced SEVERE FOMO!  It’s a wonderful opportunity to get to know my fellow TTC colleagues – but importantly for me, to help raise awareness of the importance of good heart-health and to also improve my own heart-health and endurance.  My father died from a heart-attack – he was around 40 years of age and it left my mum to bring up six young children on her own.  I was 10, and the youngest, my brother, was one. My brother has no memory of my father, and my 2 youngest sisters - recall very little.  They only know him from old photos and verbal recounts – I can’t imagine what that’s like.” 

As TTC continues its connection with Coastrek, Ash is busy clocking up kilometres hiking events with friends in destinations around Australia: 

“I’m planning to do my 8th Coastrek in South Australia this year and I’ll continue to encourage our office to continue our partnership.  It’s such a great day and it has so many positives that benefit us way beyond the finish line.” 

The Travel Corporation, Coastrek Sydney

The Travel Corporation Team, Coastrek Sydney