As a Coastrekker, you have more in common with an Olympian than you realise...

26 Jul 2024

There's an exciting buzz in the air as athletes around the world descend on Paris for the 2024 Olympics, ready to push their bodies and minds to the limit. They've trained for years, decades, sometimes a lifetime - all in pursuit of achieving their personal best and bringing a medal winning performance to the world sporting stage. 

Former Olympic Gold Medal Swimmer, Libby Trickett OAM, has a long history with Coastrek having hiked five events in Sydney and the Sunshine Coast (two while pregnant!) and refers to the Coastrek Event Day as her 'favourite day of the year'. You might be surprised to learn that despite spending hours swimming laps staring at a thin black line, she credits Coastrek with this very important lesson: 

"I'm not an endurance athlete by any stretch of the imagination. When I was racing, I was a sprinter. Coastrek has taught me about endurance and how strong my mindset can be. I think that's what keeps bringing me back - Event Day teaches you so much about yourself and your friends. It's an awesome opportunity to get out, see amazing locations and get exercising, chatting and supporting each other." 

By definition, Endurance is the 'ability to keep doing something difficult, unpleasant or painful for a long time.' 

Now we wouldn't call Coastrek unpleasant or painful - after all you'll explore some of the most spectacular coastlines Australia has to offer - but, it has its moments! You'll be tested mentally and physically, you might need to triage a mid-trek blister, you might be up when your teammates are down and you might have doubts you can make it. It's all these elements that make it that much sweeter when you achieve your goal and cross the finish line - with a medal around your neck to prove it! 

But, first comes the training...

Just as Olympians build their endurance through rigorous and consistent training, your 12-Week Training Program will gradually increase the length of your walks, introduce hills and stairs, and incorporate strength training to allow your body to sustain long periods of activity. 

Train with teammates as much as you can. Even the most solo of sports (including swimming) have an element of team training - it gives you a huge surge of motivation and accountability, and a chance to celebrate milestones along the way. 

Event Day Prep and Mindset 

Remember that Coastrek is not a race, it's a challenge - so enjoy the journey! Pacing yourself by starting at a managable pace to conserve energy for the latter stages is key. 

Adequate hydration and nutrition also play a big part. Use your training walks to test what works for you, and what doesn't! Water, electrolytes, caffeine and nutritious snacks such as our Wild Women's Famous Choc Chip Cookies or Di's Nutritious Delicious Bliss Bites are just some of our favourite items to add to your list. Yummy!

Listening to your body is equally as important. Recognise when to push forward versus when to tailor back by paying attention to signs of fatigue to avoid burnout or injury. 

Don't forget to have FUN!

At Coastrek, we strongly believe that everyone has the potential to achieve incredible feats of endurance - and we will always be your biggest cheerleaders. Don't forget though, Event Day is also about celebrating all the training and hard work you've put in to get you there, so dancing, laughter, singing and talking are encouraged all the way to the finish line!

Lace up your boots, set your intentions, rally your team together and let the adventure begin!